Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Scarecrow is published!

Here it is:

Smashwords (Laptops, other e-readers): https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/282046

Amazon (Kindle): http://www.amazon.com/The-Scarecrow-ebook/dp/B00BB7BVVI/ref=sr_1_5?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1360086028&sr=1-5&keywords=the+scarecrow

And just like that, a small, delicate kernel of an idea that I had over two years ago is now available for the entire world to pick apart and dissect. Although surely the only reason we write is to be read, there's an intense helplessness that accompanies the sensation of another pair of eyes looking over your precious words. Could it have been better? Am I really so great, or am I just full of self-indulgent delusions like so many other Los Angelenos who fancy themselves "writers"?

The insecurity is invigorating, though. It's similar to the feeling of that first step onstage from the safety of the wings, that "whoo boy, I'm not ready for this" rush to the brain as you take the plunge anyway. No going back now.

Regardless, The Scarecrow is up and running. There's still a lot of things I need to do and learn, marketing-wise, but for now the biggest way you can help me out is by shelling out a couple bucks to buy yourself an awesome story, tell your friends about it every way you can (word of mouth, Facebook, your blog, etc.) and writing a quick review after you've finished it!

If I've ever needed my Nathan Wellman fans to step up (as you always do) it's for this project. Let's make sure this awesome book gets read by as many people as possible!


  1. So 3 mucklims were killed and according to you based on your assumptions it was Trump's fault. It could of easily been mucklims killing mucklims because they offended some mucklims beliefs or family members.

  2. So 3 mucklims were killed and according to you based on your assumptions it was Trump's fault. It could of easily been mucklims killing mucklims because they offended some mucklims beliefs or family members.

  3. Nathan, why was your article about HRC lying about the 2005 energy act removed from US Uncut?

    Nathan, why was your article about HRC lying about the 2005 Energy Act removed?



  4. Nathan, why was your article about HRC lying about the 2005 energy act removed from US Uncut?

    Nathan, why was your article about HRC lying about the 2005 Energy Act removed?


